

Welcome! I teach basic needle felting techniques, write fiber processing guides, provide tutorials, and blog about whatever comes to mind (including homeschooling my two kids and my life in general). Oh, and I make things too!

So Many Buttons

The first of the two is nearly done. It is done enough to sleep on tonight, though I can continue adding to it over time.

Today I added handstitched buttonholes and selected buttons for both pillowcases, though the buttons between the two will differ. This first pillowcase is mine, and for that I picked these pearl shell buttons (faux I'm assuming, as they are too matchy matchy to be real). I do have a few real ones, but not a full set, and certainly not enough for one of these pillows. For my husband, I picked out these gold mica buttons that are coated in resin - I'll share a photo of those when I'm working on his.

Buttons are one of those tiny details that seem so underappreciated, the way a gorgeous cabinet knob can completely change the appearance of furniture. I have many, which I keep in a glass apothecary jar topped with a felt gnome bottle topper, since I very rarely if ever drink, and never have any actual bottles for it. Instead, it guards my collection of buttons. Here are a few of the ones I have collected.

Tomorrow I'll show you the completed first pillowcase, as it is too dark (late) for me to take a good photo of it now. Besides, I am busily handstitching a few more details as I wind down with some art documentaries before heading to bed.

Pillowcase # 1

Silk Patchwork Pillowcase