

Welcome! I teach basic needle felting techniques, write fiber processing guides, provide tutorials, and blog about whatever comes to mind (including homeschooling my two kids and my life in general). Oh, and I make things too!

Sapphire - Chapter 1

Sapphire - Chapter 1

A wolf with light-blue colored fur was sleeping on her purple hammock in her bedroom. Her name was Crystal. She was just having an awesome dream, when she heard her sister, Nina, stomping up the staircase. “Oh, not AGAIN!” Crystal thought. Nina almost broke the door just kicking it open.


Poor Crystal. Nina slammed the door. Crystal got out of her hammock, down the ladder, and opened her bedroom door to walk down the stairs and up the other staircase that leads into her mean sister’s room. The night before, Nina threw her dinner plate on the floor, and it shattered. Mom and dad always have to go into Canine City to buy more plates. Crystal finished making Nina’s bed, then headed over to the dining room.

Crystal had an idea while she walked over to the dining table for breakfast.

”Mom! Mom!” she called.
“WHAT?!” Mom yelled.
“I have an IDEA!” she said.
“Huh? For what? Your Planet Zoo game?” she asked.
“No, instead of buying glass plates, buy cardboard plates!”
“But Crystal, you can’t wash cardboard,” Mom said.
“Oh.” Crystal frowned.
“Don’t worry, though, dear. We have like almost a million dollars, and Dad has been working for over forty years.” Mom told her.

So, Crystal sat down and ate her cocoa bone-shaped cereal. When done, she followed Nina silently up the stairs to Nina’s bedroom. She scrambled under Nina’s bed. Some tarantulas under the bed watched her crawl under with big, scared eyes. The tarantulas looked closer and decided to run up Crystal’s back. Crystal did not care. She liked spiders, including tarantulas. They all watched Nina hold up her paw and say something like, “CLEARmeat-10-14-10!” A big door opened up in the wall out of no-where and Nina ran inside. The tarantulas and Crystal were surprised, and some of Crystal’s new little tarantula friends whispered, “Holey cow!” The tarantulas never saw something like that, because Nina made sure they were sleeping while she said her password.

A tarantula crawled up to Crystal and said, “My name is Arachnia.”
“Crystal,” Crystal replied. “Arachnia, do you think it’s safe if I take a little peek in there?” Crystal asked the tarantula.
“I wouldn’t,” Arachnia replied.

to be continued…

Sapphire - Chapter 2

Sapphire - Chapter 2