Sponsor a Free Needle Felting Tutorial

Sponsor a Free Needle Felting Tutorial

from $50.00

You get to suggest what needle felting tutorial I’ll post.

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I’ve always been open to suggestions from my readers in regards to the content I provide - after all, the tutorials and guides on my blog are for you, not me. By allowing you the opportunity to sponsor a tutorial, I put the power in your hands as opposed to a corporate sponsor. I also love when us crafters, indie creators and artists help to boost each other’s platforms from the ground up.

This purchase is for a free tutorial sponsorship. All you need to do is provide me with a tutorial suggestion (what tutorial would you love to see that you haven’t seen anywhere else?) as well as the name, information and any public links you’d wish for me to include in the tutorial post itself. You don’t have to be a needle-felter to take advantage of this! This can be used to boost your own creative business, whatever that may be. It can be a gift for a loved one who loves needle felting and really wants to learn how to make this one thing but can’t find any guides for it (just please be mindful of any time restrictions - you may contact me ahead of time to ask my availability if you need something sooner than later). Whatever information you provide will be a permanent part of the post unless you contact me at a later date requesting that I remove it. This should go without saying, but I will not link to any hate groups, controversial sites, political parties, etc.

If you’re struggling to come up with a concrete idea but have a theme in mind, that’s okay too - we can brainstorm together via email or chat.

A few rules :

  1. In regards to the level of difficulty, the beginner design will be fairly simple and easy to follow, and could be completed in a manner of a few hours. Something at an intermediate level will be more involved and could take a little bit longer to complete. This will be on a blog post (or could span over two blog posts for an intermediate tutorial) - not video. Something like the Green Man that took weeks to complete is far too complicated for this, so please be mindful of level of complexity and size.

  2. I would prefer to avoid copyrighted material (old story characters/themes might be safe - The Little Prince isn’t copyrighted in the US any longer for example), because while I would not be profiting off the tutorial, it does tread in a copyright grey area. Teaching how to needle felt using a popular character would probably fall under fair use, but again, I barely cover the cost of the site out of pocket - I don’t have the funds for legal fees to debate it in court.

  3. Please don’t ask me to make a tutorial based off another independent artist’s work. If the artist wants to create a tutorial based on their own design, they should be the one to contact me. I am not going to make a tutorial that looks like someone else’s art. Please support the artist who made it instead by buying from them. If you are the artist and want me to attempt to make a tutorial based off something you created, and you can prove to me you are the original creator, that’s totally fine - I’m all for cross-media collaboration (like storywriters or comic artists requesting tutorials for their characters). In fact, I think it would be a really neat idea and help draw more attention to your work, if they make the character and now want to go read the story. Lots of possibilities here!

  4. Keep it business appropriate. I have two young children at home, and I don’t want to have to explain things like why is mommy needle felting a (use your imagination here). Also, I’d like to keep the website fairly clean as well. Yes, I censor myself when it comes to certain things.

  5. This should go without saying, but I will not make any tutorials that include any form of what could be considered offensive content, or any hateful imagery.

If I feel uncomfortable with a particular suggestion (especially if it breaks one of these rules), we can try to come up with an alternative option.

PS. If one or both options are “sold,” it’s because I am actively working on the tutorial(s). I will relist them once the tutorial(s) is(are) done and I’m ready to take on more suggestions. This way I can make sure I don’t get too heavily backlogged with suggestions, especially since I am also accepting them through the donations buttons on my site. This is just another way to make it happen. Regardless of the manner in which I accept the suggestions, it’s on a first come-first served basis, and I will give you an ETA on where I stand project-wise.