Rainbow Octopus Needle Felting Tutorial

Rainbow Octopus Needle Felting Tutorial


Learn how to combine two-dimensional and three-dimensional needle felting to make your art pop out of the frame with this rainbow octopus tutorial. (Skill Level: Intermediate)

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Magi Kern Octopus Sweater

If you were to guess what my favorite animal is, what would you think it might be?

You have three guesses and the first two don’t count, LOL

I honestly don’t remember what the first thing was that drew me to them.

Maybe it’s because their appearance is so intriguing, and completely alien looking compared to most other creatures on this planet.

Maybe it’s their incredibly high level of intelligence and spunky personalities (I recommend reading the Soul of an Octopus).

It could be that they (the moms, the dads just lose an arm and become a septapus) literally sacrifice themselves to keep their eggs safe and clean. I mean, if humans had to knowingly sacrifice themselves to procreate, I don’t think the human race would have lasted very long.

Or how about their incredible camouflage abilities, where they can literally change color and texture to match their surroundings? Not to mention, who wouldn’t want the ability to squirt ink in someone’s face and run away when faced with a scary situation? Kinda sorta related side note, did you know that sepia ink originally came from the ink sac of the Sepia cuttlefish?

I could probably go on about it, but I am pretty sure you’re just here for the tutorial, and not the biology lesson, am I right?

Because I can definitely provide that as well. This listing is for the tutorial only, and if it’s the tutorial that comes with the kit that you’re looking for, you’ll want to click here.

Nothing will be shipped to you when you purchase this tutorial. Instead, you will be emailed a link to a PDF file which contains instructions on how to access the tutorial on my site. You’ll have 24 hours to download the PDF, and clicking on the link in the email will automatically download it to your computer.

There is no expiration on the tutorial access info itself, so if you wanted to buy this as a gift for someone ahead of time, you can definitely do so. Just make sure you download the PDF within 24 hours, and gift the PDF file to the recipient (for example, print it out and stick it in an envelope, or put it on a cute little flash drive and wrap it in a tiny box).

This is an excellent option for my overseas patrons, as this way you can avoid paying steep shipping and customs fees. I list the colors and supplies I use on the tutorial page, so if you have any local fiber shops you love to support, you can order your fiber locally.

Last, but not least, this is also a great option for my vegan and wool-allergic friends. You don’t have to use wool to do this tutorial. Follow my guide on how to get fiber that is not derived from animals, choose a fabric (such as a polyester felt) and follow along with the videos.